Grade 1 student writes emotional note to quake victims in SE Türkiye
A heart-warming note by Asrın she sent with her piggy bank in an aid box, Aydın, Türkiye, Feb. 9, 2023. (IHA Photo)

A note written by an elementary school student, Asrın, sent to the earthquake zone in southeastern Türkiye with money from her piggybank, warmed the hearts of people who saw it.

Joining the relief efforts in the Aydın province, first grade student Asrin said she's sending her piggy bank money to support the survivors.

"If your house is destroyed, do not be sad, do not get cold. Come to my house and you can also go to my school," she said in the note.

The Turkish Red Crescent workers, who discovered the note as they were gathering aid to be sent to the disaster zone, said her note warmed their hearts at a period of such crisis.