Turkish soldiers protect tortoises, warn drivers to be alert
A gendarmerie officer helps a tortoise in Elazığ, Turkey, July 9, 2020. (IHA Photo)

Crossing a busy road is a daunting challenge for slow-moving tortoises. In the eastern Turkish province of Elazığ, the creatures are getting some assistance from humans.

Gendarmerie troops at checkpoints often work to pick them up one by one and place them on the other side of the road. Their kindness is not enough to save every tortoise's life, however, so the soldiers decided to place road signs warning drivers to be aware of the passing tortoises.

Tortoises are a common sight on the road connecting Elazığ to the Keban district, especially in the summer when the animals are on the move. Troops often come across them while patrolling the road, but for drivers, it is almost impossible to spot the small creatures. Now, they will be warned to slow down in areas where the animals are frequently found by signs painted with an image of a tortoise.