Women and Justice Summit in Istanbul opposes roles imposed on women
First lady Emine Erdoğan poses with participants of the summit, in Istanbul, Türkiye, Nov. 5, 2022. (AA Photo)

A final declaration released at the end of the fifth edition of the Women and Justice Summit stated that the imposed image of the "ideal woman," especially by the media, remains an obstacle for women to choose their own path in life.

The biannual, two-day Women and Justice Summit, jointly organized by the Women and Democracy Association (KADEM) and the Ministry of Family and Social Services, opened on Friday in Istanbul, with the theme of "Cultural Codes and Women." Participants from around the world, from academics to activists, attended the summit inaugurated by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The summit delved into the "norms" women are forced to be confined into.

The declaration at the end of the summit highlights the necessity of a strong family for a strong society. It says communities should stand against a single cultural code imposed on womanhood after the emergence of modernity. "A single modernity and single concept of womanhood are both a form of exploitation. Women, especially those living in countries with a colonial past and a dominant culture imposed on the population, face the pressure of cultural codes. Developing a civic society with a clear understanding of roles imposed on women is essential," it said.

The declaration underlined that women were forced to be "more hardworking, more beautiful and perfect to find their place in the society, to prove themselves worthy."

"Women are the first to be deprived of their rights in times of uncertainty. Thus, a clear position for women in society, their equality and education are crucial. A legal infrastructure provides primary protection for women, regardless of the ruling ideology of the country they live in. A constitution firmly footed in justice guarantees women’s rights. It is also vital to provide access to education to women and empower them in order to raise awareness of their rights," the declaration said. On family, the declaration says none of a family’s members should be excluded from family policies.

The summit’s declaration also lamented the fact that women were subject to discrimination due to their faiths in many countries and forced to prove themselves better than others in order to avoid discrimination. "They are forced to work harder. In some cases, they have to choose between their faith and job. (For instance) they are forced to abandon their headscarf if they are willing to work," it said.

The declaration called for more flexible working options for women while adding, "Women should not abstain from taking up jobs viewed as predominantly a man’s job."

"In recruitment, women are employed based on their adaptation to roles imposed by society rather than the merits of their education and skills. Recruitment criteria should be revised to prevent this."