Türkiye's Maarif Foundation unveils new education model in 4 languages
Visitors tour the program event of the Turkish Maarif Foundation, Istanbul, Türkiye, Jan. 5, 2024. (Courtesy of Maarif Foundation)

The diverse program has already been approved by the education ministries of eight countries, is currently being implemented and is being evaluated by the relevant education authorities of other countries

Maarif Foundation, the pioneer of Türkiye’s network of schools across the world, unveiled its new model of education for preschools in four languages.

In a ceremony held in Istanbul, Maarif Foundation Chairperson Birol Akgün said that they have developed the International Maarif (IM) Program model of education for preschools, which aims to raise individuals who use their knowledge and wisdom for peace and tranquility. This model was developed with the synthesis of the foundation’s education experience in 52 countries and Türkiye’s education heritage.

The program has already been approved by the education ministries of eight countries, is currently being implemented and is being evaluated by relevant education authorities of other countries.

The Maarif Foundation, authorized by the government to operate Turkish schools abroad, has enjoyed vast success and has expanded to 52 countries since its founding seven years ago. With at least 447 schools across six continents, the foundation serves some 52,000 students.

Maarif Preschool Coordinator Şule Toyran presents the Maarif project, Istanbul, Türkiye, Jan. 5, 2024. (Courtesy of Maarif Foundation)

As of 2023, the program has been accepted and implemented by the ministries of education in Romania, North Macedonia, Mali, Djibouti, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Mauritania, Togo and Congo.

In line with the U.N.'s goal of quality education for every child of school age and the need for trained human resources of countries, Maarif has prepared IM training programs in the sixth year of its establishment, based on Anatolian wisdom and the common knowledge of humanity. It contributes to the future of countries via education and culture with studies such as the preschool program, which is the first step of this project, secondary school textbooks, Turkish language books for all levels, a Turkish Culture and Civilization Course and a Turkish education encyclopedia.

Board member Ahmet Türkben introduced the IM International Maarif program after Akgün, emphasizing that the primary objective of the Maarif education model is to cultivate morally upright individuals. He highlighted that the IM curriculum, materials, structuring and assessment processes are designed to nurture virtuous qualities based on the learner profile framework.

Maarif Preschool Coordinator Şule Toyran provided an overview of the project, highlighting its uniqueness as a pioneering educational program developed in Türkiye and implemented globally. She emphasized that the program, centered around the child, development and play-based learning, integrates a distinctive structure, classroom design, educational materials, teacher training and an accreditation system.

Subsequently, the IM Program, developed over two years in collaboration with expert academics and educators within the Turkish Maarif Foundation Preschool Coordination Office, was unveiled. This comprehensive program includes 120 textbooks, educational materials and classroom designs in four languages, all integrated within its framework.

Maarif Foundation Chairperson Birol Akgün speaks at the ceremony in Istanbul, Türkiye, Jan. 5, 2024. (Courtesy of Maarif Foundation)

Maarif was founded to raise Türkiye’s prominence in the international education community, improve bonds with other countries and curb the influence of schools linked to the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ). Along with new schools, it controls the schools seized from the terrorist group, which long posed as a charity movement with a large school chain from Africa to Asia.

Maarif schools offer a diverse curriculum with a touch of Turkish. From science courses to coding and IT tech to classes on local culture, Turkish language and other languages, the foundation competes with other international schools in each country it is active in. Maarif's institutions naturally prioritize Turkish education and set up a special curriculum that aims to help every graduate achieve fluency. It also hosts education fairs to attract foreign students to Turkish universities.