20 Daesh terrorists killed in Turkish airstrikes in northern Syria
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Turkish fighter jets killed 20 Daesh terrorists and hit dozens of other terrorist targets in northern Syria as part of Operation Euphrates Shield, the Turkish military said on Thursday.

In an air operation targeting Daesh-held buildings in northern Syria, Turkish jets hit 59 targets, the Turkish Armed Forces said in a statement.

The targets included shelters, defensive positions, and command-and-control facilities, the statement added.

In addition, eight targets in the Al-Bab and Suflaniyah regions were hit by Turkish warplanes.

Thursday marks the 114th day of the operation, which began in late August to improve security, support coalition forces, and eliminate the terror threat along Turkey's border using Free Syrian Army fighters backed by Turkish artillery, and jets.

Over 215 residential areas, including more than 1,800 square kilometers (694 square miles) of land in northern Syria have been cleared of Daesh terrorists as part of the operation so far.