Turkey retaliates to cross-border PYD attack after soldier injured
Turkish soldiers in Kilis State Hospital after the attack (IHA Photo)

Turkish military forces retaliated in kind as Democratic Union Party (PYD) terrorists carried out a cross-border attack against an outpost late Tuesday in the border town of Kills, leaving a soldier injured.

Militants of the Syrian wing of the PKK, a globally recognized terrorist group, carried out the attack during evening hours, targeting the Saatli border outpost.

The terrorists, positioned in Syria's Afrin, left a Turkish soldier injured, who was immediately transferred to Kilis State Hospital.

The attack came right after the National Security Council (MGK) released a statement calling for the stationing of Turkish forces in Syria's Afrin and western Aleppo for monitoring purposes, saying it could help establish security and peace in the Syrian cities.

"The PKK-affiliated Democratic Union Party (PYD)'s efforts to change the demographic structure of Syria and acquire land through ethnic cleansing and other violations of international law and humanitarian rights is unacceptable," the statement said.

The PYD is the Syrian affiliate of the PKK, a globally recognized terrorist group. The YPG is its armed wing, and the SDF is their umbrella organization, consisting of mainly terrorists.

The PKK usually employs game of words in the region in order to avoid being called terrorists in Syria, Iraq or anywhere else it is operating.

Turkish officials have reiterated countless times that the YPG/PYD is no different than the PKK, which is recognized as a terrorist group by the U.S., EU and many other countries. Even though the terrorists in Syria have done everything to prove they are the same as the PKK, going as far as displaying the poster of Abdullah Öcalan - the leader of the terrorist group - in Raqqa, the U.S. still has not disengaged with them even now that Raqqa is free of Daesh terrorists.