12 more Turkish military stations to be built

Efforts to construct enforced military stations have been accelerated in line with Defence Ministry plans to prevent terrorist assaults.

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has started to use the 68 military stations constructed so far, while construction of 12 more continues. According to officials, construction of six military stations will be completed by the end of the year. The Ministry of Turkish Defence aims to minimize terrorist attacks and harassing fire with these new military stations.

To increase security along the border with Syria, the physical security system project continues as well. This urgent project aims to set a physical hurdle to prevent infiltration by terrorists, smuggling activities and illegal transitions. The system consists of physical, electronic and advance technology instruments. A concrete wall, patrol road and watchtowers are the physical instruments of the system.

Meanwhile, construction of an 828-kilometer-long wall along the border with Syria should be finished soon. Sharing a 911-km-long border with war torn Syria, Turkey started to build a wall after a Cabinet decision in 2015 to prevent threats to the country. The border wall, constructed by the Mass Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKİ), will be the third-longest wall in the world when completed.

To mitigate threats from the border with Syria, Turkey has been strengthening security. Following the civil war in Syria, the PKK's Syrian affiliate Democratic Union Party (PYD) gained control of territory, posing a security threat to Turkey. In 2015, Turkey increased the number of observatory towers along the border to prevent illegal crossings and terrorist infiltration. When security measures failed to address those needs, Ankara decided to build a wall for more effective border security.