Repressive YPG policies trigger unrest in Raqqa

Protests against the PKK-affiliated People's Protection Units (YPG) have been surging in northern Raqqa province in Syria due to its oppressive policies on local people.

Raqqa, the former stronghold of Daesh, was captured by the YPG with the help of airstrikes by the United State last year. However, the governorate has recently been shaken by public unrest in the face of the YPG's repressive treatment of the public. The YPG has frequently imposed curfews, raided local homes, arbitrarily arrested civilians and prevented locals from leaving the governorate since it took over control of the city.

Since May, the terrorist group has been faced with constant civil protest and armed conflicts with Raqqa's Arabs, who want the group to hand over the governorate to local people. Assassinations targeting YPG militias have increased recently. At least 15 YPG members were killed in the city center of Raqqa and the Tabka district via bomb attacks and assassinations.