Syrian children receive medical aid from Turkish NGO

Syrian children are being treated with medicines sent by Turkish charity funds in cabins, where doctors voluntarily serve

Syrian children are being treated with medicines sent by Turkish charity funds in cabins, where doctors voluntarily serve.

Children, who were encounter with contagious diseases like typhoid and plague, are being treated by medicine sent by the Turkish charity fund 'Hayrat Insani Help Association' sent to aid to the doctors in the region.

A voluntary doctor Amr Ghannam, who transformed a jerry-built construction into a health centre, said that he tried to solve the medical problems of many people on his own and thanked Turkey and Turkish people for their aid.

Saying that they used the medicines the association sent before, Ghannam stressed, "The biggest sufferer of the war in Syria are our children. We needed the medicines that were brought by the association. In Syria, one box of medicines is worth to 40 years sake. May God bless Turkey and especially the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan."

A eepresentative of the association in Kahramanmaras, a city in Turkey's south, Murat Agcil stated that the aid was sent to Syria at regular intervals, which started 4 months ago.

"We could not stay silent towards this drama and we started a medical campaign. Within this scope, we sent 1,250 sorts of medicine before, and now we're sending new ones. Via the medicines we supplied with the help of benefactors, one child may be saved from dying each day. Being a servant for these (in need), makes us happy," Agcil said.

He stated the medical campaign went on and added they also started to work on the need for equipment.

Anadolu Agency