Understanding the symptoms of abdominal pain

Many people may suffer from different types of abdominal pain. The starting point generally gives us the major clue about its cause, it could be as simple as gas or as severe as a ruptured organ

If we were to survey a group of people and ask if they ever had experienced any form of pain, I am sure most majority of them would answer yes to this question. The list of experienced pain could be very long, but the most common ones are either headaches or musculoskeletal pains. But although we do experience abdominal pain at some point, we normally don't even give much attention to it. And, I really don't know why we all do that! You may feel pain at any time, and mostly it would come and say ¨hi¨ unexpectedly. It may come up suddenly while you are sitting at your desk and working on a challenging task, at a stressful moment, or even at your sleep! If it is the headache, you may feel like a belt is tightened around your head or can even be a throbbing type. On the other hand if its related to musculoskeletal problems it can limit your movements. But if the pain is coming right inside your abdomen, it may give you so many different feelings. Have you ever felt a strike in your abdomen while just sitting down, driving a car, or exercising? Striking pain in your belly would be as simple as a gas and as severe as an organ rupture. This is why we should be very cautious about what's going on right down in your tummy.For abdominal pain, the first thing you should do is to answer the following question by yourself to determine the cause of this discomforting pain. At first you should look into the history of it by localizing the starting localization of your pain. Than go on and see whether it comes after eating or not, than seeing if it goes away after you poop!The starting point gives us the major clue. But never forget that it may also travel to other localizations in your abdomen, so it is very important to know the starting point of it. Lets go on with the examples. If it starts in the upper right quadrant, then you should think of liver at first since liver literally fills up all of abdominal right upper quadrant. If you ever feel a stabbing pain in the upper right, gallstones may be causing this problem. Gallstones have to major forms and could form almost in anyone. These two are cholesterol and pigment stones. Vast majority of the stones, almost 80% are formed out of cholesterol, and the second major are the pigment stones that are made up of bilirubin. Although gallstones may cause the pain in this part of your body, this doesn't mean that if you don't have pain here you wont have gallstones. These stones often don't cause any symptoms, and that is why at this time we call them the "silent stones". If you have gallstones there might be other symptoms than upper right abdominal pain including, pain in the upper back that lasts several hours, nausea, vomiting, or just even bloating. And if the stomes are small enough to get into your bile ducts, than you should be very cautious since they could cause bile duct occlusion and become more serious for your health.If your pain is in the upper middle and also gives you a burning sensation, than it may be due to an ulcer. We call it the peptic ulcer, since they are mostly formed by acid pepsin. Pepsin is the most acidic environment and is secreted by the cells of your stomach lining. Pepsin is an enzyme that literally degrades -burns off- proteins. Since we are proteinous structures, this enzyme could degrade us right? Well, this is what happens in your stomach. When there is defect in the cellular lining of your stomach, pepsin could burn off the defect and surrounding tissue and could form an ulcer. This condition is called peptic ulcer disease. Peptic ulcer might give you symptoms including mainly a burning and aching pain in the middle upper abdomen - between the navel and the breastbone- which may radiate to your back. This pain could come and go with weekly episodes, and would even cause loos of appetite, bloating, and nausea. Peptic ulcer could give you a huge trouble if they are untreated, such as gastrointestinal bleeding and threaten your life. This is why you should pay attention to upper middle abdominal pain.If you feel a pain right in the middle of your abdomen, right around your navel. If this pain gives you a tightening or knotting sensation, then it may be due to constipation. Almost everyone gets constipated some time during their lives. Although the statistical numbers demonstrate that around 2% of population have chronic constipation, I do believe that this number is way too high in the current era where we consume less and less fiber. Almost every single article I write or show I present, I always give the advice that we should consume more and more fiber to protect our bodies. And, know that fiber doesn't only protect our bowels, it is also very important for other parts of body including the heart! Constipation can be due to very simple reasons such as inadequate water or fiber intake, disruption of regular diet, traveling, and immobility. But it may also be due to very serious conditions as well including hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, or even colon cancer. So if you feel pain in the middle, and also experience constipation seeing a gastroenterologist would be a great advice for you.If your pain relieves and you feel better after visiting a restroom to poop, than this may be due to irritable bowel syndrome. This of course also happens in people who are chronically constipated, but it is also very important not to forget irritable bowel syndrome disease here. Irritable bowel syndrome may cause belly pain, cramping, bloating, constipation, and sometimes diarrhea. All of these symptoms might last very long in your life, since this is a long-term chronic disease. It is not fully clear why this disease occurs, but with underlying hypothesis we have several clues for you to reduce these symptoms. If you think that you have this disease, than start chewing your food more, as much as 20 times! Limit foods that may cause intestinal discomfort, eat super fiber rich foods, and don't skip meals. Foods that may aggravate your irritable bowel symptoms are alcohol, carbonated drinks, sugary stuff, fatty foods, and artificial sweeteners. Look up for an anti-inflammatory diet plan if you have such symptoms.