Not drinking enough water? Some crucial health reasons to rethink

I am sure you have all heard that three quarters of the human body is composed of water. This actually depends on body size and ranges from 55 percent to 80 percent. In order to fully function without becoming dehydrated, it is recommended that the body ingest approximately two to six liters of water every day. The range of the amount of water needed per person varies due to contributing factors, such as activity, temperature, humidity and others. Science continues to debate the total amount of water that is needed per person per day, and no concrete answer currently exists. The National Board of Research in the U.S. recommends that individuals should consume 1 milliliter for each calorie they consume, which is about 2 liters in a 2000-calorie diet. The latest guideline of the National Research Council of the U.S. recommends 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for non-pregnant and non-breastfeeding women. Although scientific guidelines offer recommendations for the total amount of water that needs to be consumed, they also mention that this amount includes water gained from food sources as well. The basic idea that stands behind drinking water is to avoid dehydration. If you do not consume enough water, it might cause fatigue, confusion, memory loss, dizziness, urinary tract infections, constipation, dry and wrinkled skin, frail hair and nails, skin lesions, headaches and muscular pain. Problems that are caused by dehydration are not limited to these, either. When it becomes chronic dehydration, then metabolic issues begin appearing that might be life threatening. Although dehydration is often discussed, hyperhydration – water intoxication – is also a fatal condition. More and more is also bad just like less and less when water is the subject; balance is important in every aspect of human life.

Drinking safe water is as important as life. Fluids can carry many harmful toxins, including chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, fungus and dirt. Although water doesn't provide you with energy or organic nutrients, the fluid alone should be pure and safe. Developed regions of the world are doing fine for now in terms of their access to safe drinking water, but it's not the same for developing countries. Some reports have stated that by the year 2030, water demand will exceed the production amount by as much as 50 percent in developing countries, which is pretty scary. I hope that after you read this, you will start using water more carefully.

Since your body is mainly made up of water, if it stays dehydrated, it will drain water from liquid areas of your body, including your blood, cells, organs, urine and even stools. When your body stays dehydrated, it means that you have left the drain of your fishpond open, and one day there will be no water for your fish to live in. Put your organs in the fish's position and think once again before you sip on that glass. Chronic dehydration is also the major contributor to an early aging process.

Do you ever feel constipated? Think of that day and maybe three days prior to that. I bet you didn't drink enough water. And believe me: A glass or two will even help you spend less time in the toilet. When water is drained out of your stools, you can even have rock-like, hard stools. On the other hand, water also aids in digestion. If you drink enough with food, you will ingest more nutrients as well. Whenever you drink a glass, your body knows where the water is needed and literally directs it to that area.

Dehydration can also cause hypotension and a foggy brain. Do you always feel tired? The solution for this might be as simple as drinking enough water. Drinking water helps you to stay sharp and focused.

You constantly need to flush the toxin filter inside you to keep it working properly. And by toxin filter, I mean your kidneys. The kidneys work nonstop, 24 hours a day to remove toxins and excess water from your blood. It does its job perfectly when you blood is thin – thin enough to easily travel through the kidney's capillary vascular network. If the kidneys don't function well, this will automatically show on your face with puffy eyes and facial edema. So, if you have puffy eyes in the morning, this might be a sign of kidney malfunction. Don't forget that kidney disease is a chronic disease, meaning that it will continue to get worse even if you take corrective actions after it's too late.

When you go on a diet, your doctor or dietitian will advise you to drink more water. Water helps your body to lose weight and also helps to lower your total body fat composition. Some studies have shown that 500 milliliters of water consumed with each meal will help you lose weight and limit the total calories that are consumed during those meals. Additionally, there are several studies advocating the effect of cold water on boosting metabolism. When you are dehydrated, sugar is absorbed out of the blood as well. Thus, blood glucose levels will rise when you are dehydrated. On the other hand, water is an appetite suppressant, and you can always add some flavor (e.g., with lemon peel) in order to stop cravings.

Basically, you need water for your body to help it do its job. A functioning body means a good heart and blood flow, clean breathing, clear thinking, easy moving and good sleep. The key to all of these is water!