Water: The source of existence

It is common knowledge that one-third of the human body is composed of water, and water is an important part of our daily diet. Although water is source of life on the planet, consuming too much water can lead to serious health problems

It would not be an exaggeration to say water is of crucial importance to both the human body and ecological balance. I am sure most of you have heard people saying that three-quarters of the human body is composed of water. In fact, this ratio has varying values from 50 percent to 80 percent depending on variables such as body weight.The human body dehydrates throughout the day in order to perform its vital functions. The body requires 2-6 liters of water per day to perform all daily activities. The amount of water the body needs varies depending on parameters such as daily activities, temperature and humidity. Scientists have not been able to give a certain estimation on how much water a human body needs daily.The National Board of Research recommends drinking a milliliter of water per calorie consumed. According to this information, it is safe to say that the necessary water intake of person who follows a 2,000-calorie diet is 2 liters per day. According to the recent guide published by the U.S. National Research Council preferred to use definitive numbers for the daily amount of water required by the body. The guide suggests that men should drink 3.7 liters of water per day, while women, with the exception of those who are pregnant and nursing, should drink 2.7 liters of water per day. The water we get from the food we consume is also taken into account in these calculations.Dehydration is the most important reason why water intake is crucial. A person who fails to drink enough water can experience serious health issues due to dehydration. Fatigue, confusion, memory loss, dizziness, urinary tract infections, constipation, dry-wrinkled skin, weak hair, fragile nails, head and muscle pain are some of the symptoms that can be tied to the lack of adequate water consumption. If necessary precautions are not taken and dehydration becomes chronic dehydration, it can lead to very serious conditions by creating life-threatening metabolic problems. An example of this may be premature aging.According to a study on the subject, excessive water intake can also cause threats for vital functions. It is really important to maintain moderation when it comes to water intake, just like everything else.The quality and reliability of the water that we are consuming is just as important as drinking water. Liquids may contain substances that are harmful to human health, like heavy metals, toxins, bacteria, fungus and other chemicals. It is possible to see around the world that developed countries have access to clean and reliable water, yet in the case of water quality in developing countries, the situation is not promising. According to a study, by the end of the 2030s, developing countries will need 50 percent more water than what is readily available. This terrifying fact will make you more cautious when consuming water.We have already mentioned that the human body is mostly composed of water. If you do not drink enough water the body will use the water from other sources to replace the water lost through dehydration. These sources include some of our organs, blood cells, urine and stool. If we see the body as a pool and our organs as fish living in this pool, dehydration will mean that the drain is opened. If this situation continues, there will not be any water left inside the pool and the fish, in this case our organs, will not live any longer.Your body sends you some signals about whether your water intake is enough or not. Constipation is one of these signals. If you are experiencing constipation you are not drinking enough water. One of the sources the body uses to replace the water lost through dehydration is your stool. The water the body receives from the stool makes it denser and the movements in the bowels become harder. This is how constipation emerges. Water also helps digestion. It is really important to properly digest the food you've eaten to maximize the benefit you are getting from them.The human body has perfect functioning. When a person drinks water, the body determines the part that is desperately in need of water and sends the supply in that direction.If you constantly feel tired and lethargic, dehydration can be the reason behind these symptoms. Since dehydration causes hypotension this may make you constantly feel tired. Drinking enough water helps you feel refreshed and energetic.In order to get rid of all the toxins entering our bodies throughout the day, our toxin filters, the kidneys, should be working properly. Our kidneys play an important role in disposing the toxins and excessive water in the blood by working 24/7. The kidneys will perform their duties if the blood is thin enough. Thin blood will be able to circulate throughout the veins and reach the kidneys. Then the kidneys do their duty splendidly. The human body will send signals to the person when the kidneys are not functioning properly. Swollen eyes and fluid retention in the face may suggest that the kidneys are not functioning as they should. If you have similar complaints, please consult a specialist without delay.If you are not happy with your excess weight and you are receiving help from a specialist, the diet they prescribed to you most probably involves drinking plenty of water. Drinking water helps you lose weight and reduce the body fat rate. Studies that mention the connection between drinking water and weight loss suggest that drinking half a liter of water with every meal helps to lose weight and eat smaller portions. One of the similar studies also suggests that drinking cold water accelerates metabolism. Another study shows that adding some flavor - such as lemon - to your drinking water, supresses the appetite. Flavoring your drinking water may help you lose weight.Not drinking enough water is the basis of a lot of other health issues - too many to mention in this article. You can think of your body as a vehicle and water as the fuel. Do not wait to be thirsty to drink water. Make drinking water regularly a habit and give your body what it needs.