Effective stress management for a healthier life

Stress comes first among the causes of so many diseases and if you have a busy work schedule, you could be at risk for certain diseases due to excessive stress. For those who are at risk of stress-related issues, here are some ways to limit the dangers

For a long and healthy life, you must maintain a healthy diet and stay away from stress as much as possible. Recent studies show that people who live a life with lower stress tend to show slower signs of aging compared to others. When dealing with stress, it is important to pay attention to the signals that your body is giving you. If you are facing any of the problems mentioned below, you could be at risk.

Trouble waking up in the morning

If you have difficulty waking up in the morning, your adrenaline levels could be low due to excessive stress. Adrenaline, the hormone that increases energy levels in the body, is effected by stress levels, and if you experience fatigue or sleepiness despite sleeping an adequate number of hours, talk to your doctor about your adrenaline levels.

Salty food cravings

Chronic stress can lead to an electrolyte imbalance in the body, which could result in cravings for salt. If you find yourself craving too much salty food or snacks during the day, your body may be signaling that you are under stress.

Chronic colds

In addition to its effect on hormones, stress can also affect the immune system and the body's natural defense mechanisms. Working under too much stress, having a fast-paced lifestyle and being nervous all the time can have negative effects on the body's immune system, resulting in chronic colds or recurring illness.


Experiencing dizzy spells when you stand up can originate from so many factors, the most common of which are low blood sugar or blood pressure. Another cause of dizziness is excessive stress, and studies have shown that stress can trigger dizziness.

Take action after deciding on your stress factor.

Get to the root of the problem

As is the case in solving any type of crisis, getting to the root of the problem is crucial and should be the first step in combating stress. If you know what causes your stress, it will be easier for you to understand and decide how to cope with it. For example, you got mad at your children and started to shout. If someone asks you about the reason for your anger at that moment, you will probably give that tiny fault of your child as the reason. However, if you think about the problem for a time and ask yourself about the reason of your anger, you will see that the reason lying behind it is just accumulated rage. Make a list of the factors and incidents that trigger your stress and think about how to change every single factor, one by one. You can change so many things just by tiny arrangements. When you feel that you are under stress, take deep breaths until you are sure that you feel better. Getting angry does not mean that you are right. During these times, take a few moments to try to understand and empathize with the other person. Recent studies show that to forgive is good for heart health. In other words, by forgiving another person you can get away from stress and protect your heart at the same time.

Try cinnamon drinks

Studies conducted at the Cleveland Clinic show that cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels. The study also revealed that cinnamon is extremely effective in preventing heart diseases and regulating bad cholesterol and triglyceride. Simply add fresh cinnamon to your favorite pot of coffee or tea, or sprinkle ground cinnamon in your drinks.

The power of thought

Positive thinking is among the most effective ways to cope with stress. As negative thinking may bring again negative results, staying positive when dealing with problems can help protect you from the negative effects of stress. For example, if you feel fatigued and in need of a holiday but cannot take time off from work, try to activate the power of positive thinking. Studies show that making holiday by using power of thought gives a way to relaxation. Just close your eyes and imagine that you are sunbathing at the beach. If you do not like the sea and beach combination, then think of your dream holidays made in the past.

Take a walk

Go out. By taking walks, you can put your problems in perspective and realize how miniscule they really are. Go to the nearest walk path to your home and spare time for your soul and body at least three days in a week (or more if you have time).

Count to ten

If you are under stress, close your eyes and count to 10. During those 10 seconds, think about how clear your conscious is and imagine that your body is relaxed and that you are happy. Doing so will make you feel relaxed. Alienating yourself from where you are and taking a fresh air, although it is for a second, it will help you to get rid of stress.

Cry if you want

Crying is the easiest way to relax. Stop holding your tears back and cry straight out. The hormones released by the body when crying can help you to relax without even being aware of it. On the other hand, smiling and laughter are also as important as crying. Do not let your problems get you, just laugh them away.

Relax with exercise

All the emotion you experience during the day has a concrete effect on your body. In the same way, stress can affect all of the muscles in your body. So, pay attention to the moments when you feel stressed or angry. You may feel that all of your body is becoming tense and even strained along with the pressure of stress. A perpetual tenseness may result in serious defects on your muscle and skeleton system after a while. In recent years, numerous stretching exercise have been found to help reduce stress.* Choose the most suitable one among them and care your body exhausted during*** Hence, you will be happy also by sparing time for yourself.

Smell flowers

Studies show that floral scents promote mental relaxation and help to get rid of bodily strain. Make use of the springtime, when all kinds of flowers blossom. Also, the scents of lavender, lilac, honeysuckle and cedar have a notable effect on the alchemy of the brain and help stimulate endorphins. Also, essential aromatic oils are functional in relaxing. However, I highly recommend smelling fresh flowers.

Sleep in total darkness

It is known that inadequate sleep is among the primary causes of depression and similar problems. Studies show that sleeping under dim light (with the TV on, reading lamps or digital clocks) could increase your risk of developing depression. Light decreases the production of melatonin and low melatonin levels could disrupt your regular sleep routine.

Solution: Turn off all the lights before going to bed and set your TV's sleep timer if it helps you to fall asleep. Put your digital alarm clock far away from the bed.

Try these tips:

Listen to a playlist of your favorite songs to decrease your cortisol levels by 66 percent.

A short "siesta" or nap may decrease your cortisol levels by 50 percent.

Use lavender and rosemary scents which support quality sleep. Both these scents decrease stress hormone levels in the body by 24 percent. On the other hand, a recent study revealed that getting a massage once a week for an entire month can lower your cortisol level by 31 percent.

Eat one kiwi (which is a high source of Vitamin C) before going to work.

Consume foods that are high in Vitamin C, which is known to balance cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body. Also purple cabbage lowers cortisol and contains eight times more Vitamin C than green cabbage.