Tips to care for your body in the winter
Drinking enough water every day is another suggestion to care for your body resistance in winter.

If you want to know how to improve your body's resistance against illnesses in the winter besides consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, here are some helpful suggestions that include new and traditional methods to help satisfy your curiosity

Is the time that you spend to recover from a sore throat, fever and nasal congestion much longer than your holidays? Do you wonder what you can do to prevent this? As we all know, consuming fruit and vegetables is important for a healthy life along with regular sports.

In particular, colorful fruit and vegetables are full of antioxidants. According to a survey at Colorado State University, nutrition high in antioxidants increases resistance and protects the body against epidemic illnesses. But what are other ways to increase life quality to stay healthy for a long time to come?

On average, adults catch a cold three times a year, and these illnesses continue for a week or two. Some 5 to 20 percent of these colds turn into the flu, which lengthens the time spent suffering from the illness.

A few small steps can help overcome the struggle against the cold and flu in the winter. This article, offers helpful advice, from the newest surveys to older more traditional methods to ease the pain.

Don't avoid garlic because of its smell

Onions and garlic, which are indispensable in food, are kinds of medicine storage. Onions are the leading vegetable in Turkish foods thanks to our culture. Almost no dish lacks have onions, which have many benefits for your health.

In particular, red onions reduce the risk of heart disease, as they are rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that decrease the inflammatory effects of coronary artery disease. The combination of quercetin found in onions and garlic is another secret weapon that helps fight allergies. Garlic is a natural antibiotic that protects against hay fever, increasing body resistance.

Garlic may cause bad breath but this shouldn't make you avoid it completely, because it reduces blood pressure significantly thanks to its high amount of allicin. In mashed garlic, allicin helps against viruses.

In a 12-week British study, people who received 180 milligrams of allicin daily caught a cold 63 percent less often than those given ineffective medicine. A clove of garlic contains between five and nine milligrams of allicin, a little less than in allicin supplements, but even two cloves of garlic will help protect you from a cold.

The brain prevents cold with meditation

The brain can reduce the possibility of catching a cold by 40 or 50 percent according to a study at Wisconsin University, which indicates that people who meditate or do yoga or exercise experience mental and physical calmness, get sick less often and their immune system is strengthened.

Experts advise probiotics

Probiotics are living microorganisms that when taken with or separately from food positively affect health by regulating mucosal and systemic immunity and provide nutritional and microbial balance in the intestines. Experts recommend probiotic supplements containing beneficial bacteria for your health.

Thus, you can reduce the risk of both respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. In a survey, some people were given probiotics, while others got ineffective medicines. People taking probiotics caught a cold 42 percent lesser than others. The most well-known probiotics are yogurt, cheese, kefir, cabbage, pickles and cucumber pickles.

The key to a healthy life is exercise

One of the basic requirements of a healthy life is exercise. Proper, regular exercise prevents physical ailments, which come with age, and strengthens the immune system, providing psychological healing and protection against disease.

According to a study, those who exercise five or more days a week recover from upper respiratory tract infections 43 percent more quickly. Exercising 30 to 60 minutes every day increases blood flow and allows immune cells to circulate throughout the body.

Wash your hands often

Cleaning your hands often is the most effective way to protect yourself against cold and flu viruses. But it is not enough to just wash your hands; drying them is also very important as microbes stick to wet skin more easily. Frequently replace damp towels with dry ones!

Sleep well

Your immune system needs rest to function properly. A study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University indicates that even if people who sleep less than seven hours on average say they feel rested, they are three times more likely to get a cold than those who sleep eight hours or more.

Don't forget spices in your meals

Do you know that the thyme in pasta sauces or the mustard in sandwiches can increase your immune system? In winter, flavor your dishes with spices, such as thyme and turmeric, to strengthen your immune system.

Remove sugar from your life

A study at Loma Linda University indicates that the white blood cells of people consuming six soupspoons of sugar a day (orange juice, honey, sugary drinks, etc.) lost their strength to defend against bacteria and viruses. Your immune system stays depressed for several hours after consuming a sugary food or drink: If you consume sugary drinks in a few hours, your body resistance will be low throughout the day.

Lose weight

If you are obese, you are more likely to become ill if you are exposed to microbes. Even flu vaccines won't work. After vaccination, anti-influenza antibodies increase, but in overweight people, this effect decreases in a few months. If you are obese, be very careful to wash your hand and take other preventive measures; even weight loss of 5 or 10 percent can help prevent all kinds of diseases.

Drink enough water

If you are confronted with a virus, you need to drink plenty of fluids to reduce symptoms. However, water consumption is also of great importance when you are not ill. When the mucous membranes and immune cells in their secretion are dehydrated, your body may be weak in defending against viruses.

Watch out with toothbrushes

Every house has a cup containing family toothbrushes. Attention! This can invite illnesses. A toothbrush virus can infect other toothbrushes. Surely you're wonder what we need to do. Make sure toothbrushes are separated and dried thoroughly. Of course, there is no need to change your brush every time you get sick. You already have antibodies against this sickness in your body.

Get social

The more people socialize, the less likely they get sick. Having several groups of friends strengthens the immune system. It allows people to be more positive and less depressed.

Don't eat your nails

You cannot always prevent the presence of microbes on your hands, but you do not have to send them directly to your respiratory system. It may seem easy to keep your hands where they should be, but it's not. A survey revealed that adults touch their faces nearly 15 times each hour.

Don't forget old customs

Don't forget about what your elders taught you. Things that we do, thinking they are useful, can psychologically affect the body. In one study, some patients were given ineffective medicine, while other received echinacea. Subjects who believed that echinacea was good showed rapid improvement. Use methods you learned from your family to recover more quickly.

Pay attention to people

According to a study conducted by McMaster University, 8 percent of people can contract viruses even if they do not show any symptoms. Thus, I recommend washing your hands often while interacting with people.

Be careful what you touch

Keep your living space clean as viruses causing flu can live up to eight hours on surfaces. Pay attention to unlikely places at work: Vending machines, microwave ovens, taps and refrigerators. Don't forget to wash your hands often and use antibacterial gel.

Eat more fruit

Surveys indicate that people who eat three or more portions of fruit a day have 25 percent fewer respiratory tract infections compared to those who eat less fruit.