Say farewell to clogged noses with a few changes

If you constantly suffer from a clogged nose and have a hard time recovering from congestion and colds, you may be doing something wrong; a few minor changes in your life can keep you from walking around with a puffy, red nose all year round

A clogged nose is everyone's nightmare. If you can't recover from coughing, congestion and similar ailments you may need to make small changes in your lifestyle to alleviate these symptoms.

Studies show that your sensitivity to cold and flu can be related to how much sugar you eat or how dry your nose is during the winter. You can reverse this with a few minor changes. It is not enough for sunlight alone to enter the house to keep the doctor away. Nutrients, whose importance we do not even know about, can help strengthen your immune system. To ensure that your body and immunity work smoothly, top up your plate with plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables and drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Today's article will focus on whether there is another reason for weak immunity for those who already consume immune-boosting foods.

Sugar does not just cause weight gain

Eating too much sugar not only makes you gain weight, it does a lot more harm too. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was discovered that eating 100 grams of sugar significantly inhibits the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria for five hours.

You may not be drinking as much water as you should

When you are ill, there is a reason why your mothers and doctors always nag at you to drink water. Your body needs plenty of water to get rid of the toxins. Yes, coffee or tea are acceptable sources, but of course it does not exactly substitute for water. The amount of water consumed per day varies from person to person. If your urine has a light-yellow color, you are drinking the right amount of water.

You may need to lose weight

If you are overweight, this is unhealthy for your heart, brain and other organs. And it is also bad for your immune system. Patients who go through the flu in the most severe way tend to share the same characteristic, meaning their body mass indexes are over 40, so they are morbidly obese. Excess weight can lead to hormonal imbalances and inflammation that impairs the ability of the immune system to fight infection.

The quality of the water you drink is important

Interestingly, the cleanliness of the water you drink, whether you are sick or not, can play a role in your immune system. Arsenic affects the immune system response to several different cancers and swine flu. Researchers at the Dartmouth School of Medicine observed that when two groups of mice were vaccinated with H1N1 virus, a majority of the group drinking the arsenic-contaminated water was killed within five weeks, while the mice that did not drink the water got the flu, yet fully recovered in the end.

A dry nose can be a sign of immunity

Nasal discharge is actually a good defense against cold and flu. Yes, it may sound rude, but mucus catches viruses and cleans them from the body. If the nasal passages are too dry, the work of the micros will be much easier. If dryness is a temporary problem, make sure that your nasal passages remain wet with water such as saline solution. A moisturizer can also help. If dryness is chronic, consult your doctor to determine the main cause.

Stress may trigger your disorder

Yes, I know it is hard not to stress nowadays, but as I say every once in a while, stress is the mother of all evil. It is no coincidence that you have a tendency to catch colds after you do a great job or leave the big meeting you have been waiting for so long. According to a report from the American Psychological Association, long-term stress weakens the reaction of your immune system. In addition, if you are under stress and also have the flu, your symptoms may get worse.

Sleep irregularity and unhealthy life can be the cause of your flu

This means your immune system is not working at the top level. An average adult develops one or three colds every season, and this usually lasts 3 to 4 days. If you are getting sick more often, your body resistance may be low. More sleep, regular exercise and eating healthy vegetables and fruits can help you.

Yes, in this part of the article we have seen reasons that trigger our immune system to get weak. So, what are we going to do to balance our immunity between stress and sleep disorder? Let's talk a little bit about them now.


Probiotics or "live active cultures" found in yogurt are healthy bacteria that keep intestinal tracts away from disease-causing microorganisms. A study conducted by the University of Vienna in Austria found that a dose of 200 grams of yogurt per day is effective in increasing immunity. In an 80-day study on 181 Swedish factory workers, it was observed that those drinking probiotics that stimulate white blood cells every day were 33 percent less sick according to placebo data.

Oats and barley

According to a study in Norway, these tiny grains contain beta-glucan, a type of fiber with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties stronger than Echinacea. When animals eat this compound, the likelihood of catching influenza, herpes, or even anthrax is low. It increases immunity in humans, accelerates wound healing and helps antibiotics work better.


Selenium helps produce white blood cells found in large amounts in shellfish such as oysters, lobsters and crabs, and cytokines which are proteins that help to bring flu viruses out of the body. Salmon, mackerel and herring are also rich in omega-3 oils that reduce inflammation, increase airflow and protect the lungs from colds and respiratory infections.

Chicken broth soup

The amino acid cysteine released from chicken during cooking is chemically similar to bronchitis medicine, which may explain the results. The soup's salty water helps keep the mucus thinner in the same way as cough medicines. Adding spices such as garlic and onion can make the soup's immunity-enhancing power even more effective.

Meat foods

Zinc deficiency is one of the most common food deficiencies, especially for vegetarians and those who do not eat red meat, the main source of this immune-supporting mineral. This deficiency is not very favorable because even slight zinc deficiency can increase your risk of infection. Zinc in your diet is very important for the development of white blood cells, which recognize and destroy viruses and bacteria.


For centuries, people have preferred mushrooms for a healthy immune system. Today's researchers know the reason for this. Studies found that mushrooms make white blood cells more active by increasing their production and activity. The mushroom will help you in building a strong immune system.


Check the quantities of vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D and chromium, copper, folic acid, selenium, calcium, and zinc minerals that need to be taken daily. At the same time, a test done by your doctor can identify the vitamins and minerals that are missing in your body. You can consume your multivitamins while eating a meal that contains some oil to absorb it better, and a glass of water will help dissolve the pill.