Not every food needs to be organic to be good for your health

While we should prefer some foods organic because of the intensive exposure to agricultural chemicals, others don't need to be organic because they have their own protection and so no chemicals are used to grow them. Let's find out which foods we should buy organic and which ones don't really matter

For many years, we have been looking for the answer to the question: "Is it organic or is it conventional?" Are organics really organic? Is there a huge difference between organic foods and non-organic ones? Should we never prefer non-organic products?

Research about this issue has continued for many years. If we leave this aside, there is something clear; you have taken a big step for your health if you choose organic vegetables and fruits. What do you see when you visit the fruit and vegetable section in any market? Bright, smooth, colorful fruits and vegetables... I know they look spectacular on the shelves, but it isn't what it is supposed to be since plants have natural defects like people.

In the plant world, the equivalents of the beauty products we use are dozens of chemical substances that farmers use to prevent insects, herbs, fungal attacks and decay. Plants that are vulnerable to attack need more chemicals. Some are lucky from birth. They are not affected by chemicals.

In this article, I will share with you the plants that have a natural chemical-defying ability in formation and the fruits and vegetables you should prefer organic, if it's possible since they are exposed to intense pesticides.

According to the latest meta-analysis in the British Journal of Nutrition, organic fruits and vegetables have a significant positive impact on your general state of health because organic foods contain more antioxidants and fewer chemicals. Smart lifestyle choices such as organic eating are the best way to cope with all the stress and strain of modern life.

How does organic nutrition affect our bodies?

Choosing organic food can reduce your exposure to agricultural chemicals. For example, cadmium, a poisonous metal in fertilizers, affects your body 48 percent less when you prefer organic foods. Organic products can reduce muscle aches, improve heart health and protect skin from the sunlight. It contains more antioxidants, preventing diseases, at the rate of 20-40 percent. It can reduce infections. Choosing organic meat and chicken reduces the risk of contact with super-microbes which are resistant to antibiotics and have a potential 30 percent fatality rate.

Organics reduce the likelihood of exposure to chemical pesticides. The risk of organic products containing chemicals is 30 percent less than conventional products. Exposure to chemical substances, especially neurotoxic insecticides, causes developing fetuses and young children to get harmed. Organic milk is a smart choice because it contains healthier omega-3 fatty acids in terms of heart and brain.

Choosing organic products is healthier for our bodies as they increase micronutrients, known as cancer preventive plant phenols.

Fruits, vegetables can take exposure to intensive insecticides, but you should prefer organic


Cherries are weak fruits without any protection. They are defenseless against harmful things like fruit flies. Even if only a little bit is contaminated with bacteria or viruses, all of the fruit must be thrown out according to quarantine regulations. And so, cultivators use more insecticide with the fear of losing their products.


A total 75 percent of the crop is grown in autumn and winter when rain and wind promote the outbreak of bacterial and fungal diseases. And since we eat the whole celery stalk, a lot of chemicals must be sprayed to protect it from harmful bacteria. No one likes to find celery stalk that's been half-eaten by caterpillars.


The peach, a sweet and juicy fruit, can be as attractive to insects as much as it is for people. Farmers apply pesticides to them every week between flowering and harvest, and peach fuzz keeps it inside. Therefore, peaches should be washed very well. It is one of the fruits that you should definitely prefer organic.


Sweet, aromatic and delicious apples can be affected by more than 30 insect species and at least 10 different diseases. Fungicides and other chemicals are applied to the apples after they are picked to prevent small stains that can occur during storage, which can be up to nine months. If you can't find organic apples, don't forget to wash them with plenty of water.


Nectarines are different from peaches in terms of the fuzzy coating. It is a fruit that emerged from the natural mutation of the peach tree; therefore, it isn't surprising that they are sensitive to many pests including fruit moths. Thanks to their polished surface, they do not hold pesticides as much as peaches do. On the other hand, they are more vulnerable to decay and scars.


Unlike some vegetables such as broccoli, sweet peppers do not have bitter components to be used as insect repellents. The wrinkles on peppers may cause the pesticide to accumulate, so watch out.


Spinach is a plant preferred by various insects, including grasshoppers. At the same time, it tends to suck DDT, which is a very poisonous and stubborn insecticide, from the soil. These chemical substances can be kept in the soil for up to 10 years after being banned.


Before it is sold at markets, the outer leaves of it can't be plucked and therefore any damage will make it unsellable. Farmers spray many insecticides on kale to prevent the insects, including the good ones because even insects that are the natural enemies of pests can be thought of as pollutants in harvested crops.

Fruits and vegetables that we don't need to prefer organic

Above are the fruits and vegetables that you should choose organic as they are exposed to a lot of chemicals. Now, I will talk about fruits and vegetables that have their own protection shields


Onions produce their own protective chemicals. The unpleasant sulfur components prevent insects from chewing onions. Although farmers use insecticides at the beginning of the production season, drug residues are also removed since its dry outer layer crumbles during harvest.


Most of the pesticides used in pineapple cultivation are applied at the early part of the production season. Therefore, the minimal remains can be seen after the harvest. After peeling off, the chemicals discompose


Most of the insecticides used for avocado fruits, which is popular in our country recently, accumulate on their rinds. Therefore, you can consume these fruits with peace of mind.

Sweet Corn

Since corn is peeled before eating, the chemicals used during production are thrown away. Corn is one of the foods that you don't need to prefer organic.


Peas, the indispensable little vegetables in our meals, are protected from chemicals thanks to their rinds.


Hornets help control the pests feeding on kiwi. Therefore, there is no need for chemicals.


Insecticides are used in their production, but the outer leaves that absorb the harmful chemicals are thrown away before they take their place in market shelves.

Melon and Watermelon

Melons and watermelons have thick coats that aren't consumed. And so, we aren't affected even if pesticides are sprayed on them.


The slippery rind of eggplants holds all the insecticides. Therefore, you can safely consume it after washing it well.