Vegan for a month: 3 recipes for Veganuary 2022
January is a great month to go vegan, especially with the Veganuary challenge. (Shutterstock Photo)

We are at the midpoint of January, but it is not tad too late to try something different, particularly with the 'Veganuary' challenge, which you might have heard of. It could be intriguingly great to cap off the month by going vegan

Every January, a United Kingdom-based nongovernmental organization (NGO) challenges people to go vegan for the whole month. With the combination of the two words – vegan and January – we got ourselves the "Veganuary" challenge. As someone who tried it out, I must say it is definitely not an easy feat. I love my cheeses way too much, so I have mad respect for those who can go full vegan.

I talked about how the Turkish cuisine is more vegan than you think and I stand by that assessment as many desserts use vegetable oil compared to the butter-heavy western pastries.

So here are a couple of recipes to support the people doing Veganuary at the midpoint!

Sweet and vegan, what else but brownies. (Shutterstock Photo)

No-bake vegan brownie

I always like to have something sweet, so having something on the healthier side can’t hurt. I always have way too many dates at home, so that is a fun way to use those as well. Adding more nuts or dried berries or alike is encouraged! This is just a suggestion, make the recipe your own!
