Turkey's Gaziantep zoo animals cool off with special cocktails
Zookeepers feed watermelon to an elephant, in Gaziantep, southern Turkey, Jun. 29, 2022. (AA PHOTO)

With high humidity and rising temperatures, un-bear-able heatwaves are felt in the Gaziantep Zoo in the eponymous southern Turkish province.

As a result, the zoo staff is taking some precautions in order to protect its residents. Icy meat cocktails are prepared for predatory animals like tigers, lions, leopards, pumas, and jaguars to cool them off. For animals, like bears and elephants, icy fruity cocktails, made from watermelon, apple, orange, kiwi, strawberry, banana, and grape, are made. Also, animals are wetted by a hose in the afternoon.

"We are taking measures to keep the animals safe from insufferable heat," the head of the Department of Preserving Natural Life of Metropolitan Municipality Celal Özsöyler said."There are pools for animals. On top of that, we are feeding them fruit and vegetables to keep them cooler. Lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars are given meat cocktails."

"We freeze the meat like an ice cube. On the other hand, we give fruity cocktails to our bears. They can also dip in the pool whenever they want to cool off. Besides, we wet ostriches and camels with sprinkles." He said.

Elephants also have their own pools. Lions drinking their meat cocktails is one of the mane attractions for visitors.