Istanbul’s Sabancı Museum displays calligraphy by Ottoman sultans
A general view from "Prince Abdülmecid Efendi and the Art of Calligraphy." (Courtesy of SSM)

Sakıp Sabancı Museum (SSM) has opened a new exhibition featuring calligraphic works by Ottoman sultans in parallel with its ongoing exhibition "The Prince’s Extraordinary World: Abdülmecid Efendi," which revolves around the life and art of Şehzade (Prince) Abdülmecid II, the last caliph of the Ottoman Empire and the only caliph of the Republic of Turkey. The newest show, "Prince Abdülmecid Efendi and the Art of Calligraphy," will remain open to visitors until June 30.

A calligrapic work by Sultan Abdülmecid. (Courtesy of SSM)

Abdülmecid Efendi, who was the son of Sultan Abdülaziz and his wife Hayranidil Kadın, enjoyed the arts and was interested in painting and music. However, the crown prince also trained himself in calligraphy by making copies of panels by famous calligraphers in the palace collections when he was living under surveillance in the palace. Many of his paintings feature calligraphic panels as well.

A calligraphy panel by Sultan Mahmud II. (Courtesy of SSM)

"Prince Abdülmecid Efendi and the Art of Calligraphy" exhibition focuses on Prince Abdülmecid Efendi and the sultans who were his grandfather, uncle, father and cousin, namely Mahmud II, Sultan Abdülmecid, Sultan Abdülaziz and Sultan Abdülhamid II, respectively. It presents panels by these calligrapher sultans as well as various calligraphic examples by Mahmud II's calligraphic masters Kebecizade Mehmed Vasfi and Mustafa Rakım.

A calligraphic work by Şehzade Abdülmecid Efendi. (Courtesy of SSM)

The exhibition offers works from the Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum (TIEM), Sadberk Hanım Museum, Millet Manuscript Library and Süleymaniye Manuscript Library along with SSM's own collection.