ACIPAYAM Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | RAMAZAN SUBAY | 770 | 2.16% | Detail |
BABADAĞ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
BAKLAN Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | NECDET SAĞLAM | 15 | 0.39% | Detail |
BEKİLLİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
BEYAĞAÇ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
BOZKURT Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ENES BERK CİN | 457 | 6.32% | Detail |
BULDAN Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | NURSEL FIRTINA | 134 | 0.77% | Detail |
ÇAL Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
ÇAMELİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | OĞUZHAN ONGUN | 71 | 0.60% | Detail |
ÇARDAK Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
ÇİVRİL Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | MEHMET AKİF AS | 106 | 0.29% | Detail |
GÜNEY Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
HONAZ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | TURGUT DEVECİOĞLU | 7200 | 37.72% | Detail |
KALE Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ÖZKAN DÖNMEZ | 513 | 3.95% | Detail |
MERKEZEFENDİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | MUSTAFA UÇAN | 1222 | 0.61% | Detail |
PAMUKKALE Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | RAMAZAN KARAHAN | 1864 | 0.98% | Detail |
SARAYKÖY Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
SERİNHİSAR Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
TAVAS Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | HÜSEYİN AKYOL | 137 | 0.50% | Detail |