AYRANCI  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 24.81% 398 | 35.66% 572 | 37.34%|599 YÜKSEL BÜYÜKKARCI | 0.12% 2 | 0% 0 | 0% 0 | 2.06% 33 |
BAŞYAYLA  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 52.60%|597 ABDÜLKADİR ATEŞ | 1.32% 15 | 45.11% 512 | 0.09% 1 | 0% 0 | 0% 0 | 0.88% 10 |
ERMENEK  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 24.11% 1,545 | 55.49%|3,555 MUSTAFA BOZCU | 17.03% 1,091 | 0.80% 51 | 0% 0 | 0.50% 32 | 2.08% 133 |
KAZIMKARABEKİR  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 31.96%|638 DURMUŞ DEMİR | 16.48% 329 | 31.01% 619 | 13.53% 270 | 0% 0 | 0% 0 | 7.01% 140 |
MERKEZ  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 24.05% 22,023 | 18.02% 16,502 | 49.24%|45,095 SAVAŞ KALAYCI | 1.11% 1,019 | 0.18% 164 | 0.07% 67 | 7.32% 6,704 |
SARIVELİLER  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 37.09%|1,363 MEHMET ALİ YILMAZ | 2.37% 87 | 25.88% 951 | 0.22% 8 | 0% 0 | 29.52% 1,085 | 4.93% 181 |