AKÇAKENT  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 56.86%|373 YILMAZ KILIÇ | 0.46% 3 | 41.62% 273 | 0% 0 | 0% 0 | 0% 0 | 1.07% 7 |
AKPINAR  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 41.19% 823 | 45.10%|901 ŞÜKRÜ TURGUT | 12.01% 240 | 0.45% 9 | 0% 0 | 0% 0 | 1.25% 25 |
BOZTEPE  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 29.05% 631 | 27.21% 591 | 32.23%|700 MUSA CEYLAN | 10.73% 233 | 0% 0 | 0% 0 | 0.78% 17 |
ÇİÇEKDAĞI  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 49.75%|2,248 HASAN HAKANOĞLU | 4.12% 186 | 43.42% 1,962 | 0.75% 34 | 0% 0 | 0% 0 | 1.97% 89 |
KAMAN  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 51.92%|6,283 EMRE DEMİRCİ | 44.34% 5,366 | 0% 0 | 1.53% 185 | 0% 0 | 0.46% 56 | 1.75% 212 |
MERKEZ  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 37.42% 26,462 | 52.86%|37,377 SELAHATTİN EKİCİOĞLU | 0% 0 | 2.82% 1,994 | 1.23% 872 | 0.21% 152 | 5.45% 3,850 |
MUCUR  Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 7.85% 628 | 16.17% 1,293 | 26.86% 2,148 | 17.37% 1,389 | 0% 0 | 0% 0 | 31.75% 2,539 |