AĞIN Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ALİ USLU | 476 | 42.09% | Detail |
ALACAKAYA Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ŞAHİN YILDIRIM | 46 | 2.39% | Detail |
ARICAK Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | YAĞIZ ATAGÜN | 6 | 0.27% | Detail |
BASKİL ![]() Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | TUNCER TURUS | 1604 | 46.12% | Detail |
KARAKOÇAN Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
KEBAN ![]() Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | YÜCEL DOĞAN | 891 | 32.14% | Detail |
KOVANCILAR Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | HASAN AYDIN | 627 | 5.21% | Detail |
MADEN Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | SELÇUK KARACA | 352 | 11.87% | Detail |
MERKEZ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | MURAT AYGEN | 18785 | 10.92% | Detail |
PALU Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | MEHMET YAZAR | 15 | 0.29% | Detail |
SİVRİCE Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | TURGAY GÜNDOĞAN | 795 | 29.00% | Detail |
AKÇAKİRAZ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | HALİL BİNGÖL | 47 | 0.94% | Detail |
BEYHAN Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
BÜKARDI Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | BURAK KAYA | 1 | 0.07% | Detail |
ERİMLİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | MAHMUT DEMİRAL | 7 | 0.44% | Detail |
MOLLAKENDİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | OSMAN SARITOP | 38 | 1.80% | Detail |
SARICAN Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail | |
ÜÇOCAK Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | MEHMET OLĞUN | 11 | 0.68% | Detail |
YAZIKONAK Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | MURATHAN KOKTAŞ | 90 | 1.65% | Detail |
YURTBAŞI Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | HAKİM SEVİNÇ | 291 | 6.84% | Detail |