ALAPLI Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | İSMAİL ÖZTÜRK | 719 | 6.11% | Detail |
ÇAYCUMA Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | SEMİH AYDIN | 331 | 1.75% | Detail |
DEVREK Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | EROL KAPTAN | 366 | 2.45% | Detail |
EREĞLİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | İLKAY ÖZDEMİR | 1785 | 2.57% | Detail |
GÖKÇEBEY Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ATAKAN ÇİÇEK | 134 | 2.45% | Detail |
KİLİMLİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | SERDAR YARALI | 605 | 5.03% | Detail |
KOZLU Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | MUHAMMET ÖZDEMİR | 1340 | 6.04% | Detail |
MERKEZ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | 0 | 0% | Detail |
BAKACAKKADI Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | RAMAZAN AYDEMİR | 58 | 2.52% | Detail |
BEYCUMA Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | HÜSEYİN HASEKİ | 11 | 0.94% | Detail |
ÇATALAĞZI ![]() Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | YAVUZ PALABAŞ | 1906 | 43.81% | Detail |
ÇAYDEĞİRMENİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | RECEP DIRMANDI | 147 | 4.13% | Detail |
ELVANPAZARCIK ![]() Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ÜMİT UZUN | 749 | 35.80% | Detail |
FİLYOS Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | LEVENT TÜYLÜ | 49 | 1.34% | Detail |
GELİK Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ŞENOL GÜNEŞ | 18 | 0.93% | Detail |
GÜLÜÇ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ŞÜKRÜ ÖZCAN | 45 | 0.95% | Detail |
GÜMELİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | HÜSEYİN ÖZENÇ | 6 | 0.35% | Detail |
KANDİLLİ Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ORHAN GÖKSAL | 48 | 2.38% | Detail |
KARAMAN Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | DURSUN TOSYALI | 13 | 0.91% | Detail |
KARAPINAR Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | İBRAHİM DOĞAN | 13 | 0.64% | Detail |
MUSLU Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | CANER BAYDAR | 397 | 33.99% | Detail |
NEBİOĞLU Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | KENAN ERMİŞ | 30 | 1.82% | Detail |
ORMANLI Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | TACETTİN ALDIRMAZ | 638 | 43.67% | Detail |
PERŞEMBE Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | FATİH KARARMIŞ | 592 | 18.65% | Detail |
SALTUKOVA Percentage of Ballot Boxes Opened 100.00% | ERSİN AKSOY | 831 | 28.35% | Detail |