Pera Museum's Learning Program has organized various workshops for children aged between 4-6 and 7-12 within the context of the "Out of Ink: Interpretations from Chinese Contemporary Art" exhibition. In the workshops, which started on April 14, participants examine Chinese ink art and make color, form and typography work in the conventional subjects of this art, such as nature scenes.
Pera Learning helps children experience different art techniques and expressions from different regions with a new program that reveals the creativity these little people possess. Workshops focus on contemporary Chinese art in relation to the "Out of Ink" exhibition. They present traditional working techniques, contemporary materials, natural paints, printing techniques and animation together. Among the workshops, continuing until May 25, there is "Geometric Patterns, Colors without Forms" for children aged between 4 to 6 and "Interpreting Dreams: Monoprints" for those aged between 7 and 12.
The "Geometric Patterns, Colors without Forms" workshop gainsinspiration from artist Xu Hongming's work in the "Out of Ink" exhibition. The participants observe crepe paper in different geometric shapes and the dispersion of colors with water on the surface of the paper. Then, they prepare their own painting from colors and ink that disperse with the direction of the water. The workshop aims for children to learn geometric shapes and develop their visualization talents.
In the "Interpreting Dreams: Monoprints" workshop, participants work with monoprinting technique through forms that are created by imaginative power by applying acrylic paints by fingers or wooden sticks. This workshop, where every print is different from every other other one, aims to develop children's concentration skills.