Famous Bollywood actor, director, and producer Aamir Khan will arrive in Turkey today as part of a promotional tour for his latest film "Secret Superstar," Turkish film distributor Filmartı has confirmed.
In a statement, Filmartı said Khan will meet his Turkish fans ahead of the premiere of his new film, which will be simultaneously released in India and Turkey on Oct. 20.
"Secret Superstar" stars Khan in the leading role of "Shakti Kumar." Directed and written by Advait Chandan, the film also features Zaira Wasim, Raj Arjun, and Manuj Sharma.
It depicts the story of a girl named Insu, who dreams of becoming a singer. However, her father, who is a hard man, breaks her guitar and the poor girl's dreams come to an abrupt end. But in a twist of fate, the girl meets the famous music producer "Shakti Kumar." She goes on the journey of her life and is finally able to let the world discover her magical voice and fulfill her dreams.
Aamir Khan's previous film "Dangal," which debuted on Aug. 18, has also earned recognition from Turkish fans.