U.S. President Donald Trump has stirred up a hornet's nest in a risky attempt to strengthen his position. He has made his case of addressing the Israeli-Palestinian issue but only by opening up a wound that will never heal.
There have always been claims of the West's capability to establish order, stemming from the British Colonial tradition that has for many years been a guide for these countries, but not anymore.
Today it only breeds chaos, burns down countries with brutal force and kills people. It wiped out centuries of Middle Eastern, Mesopotamian culture and left historic cities, such as Baghdad, Aleppo and Damascus, in ruins.
The U.S.'s disruptive policies after the Cold War have ruined Iraq and made every other issue it laid its hands on inextricable.
In Syria, where 60 countries existed in the coalition, first Obama and then Trump worked with Daesh and the PKK. For a terrorist organization, it was very pleasant, but for U.S. constitutional values, it is antithetical, and its reckoning will take a long while.
The world has lost its belief in the Palestinian issue. As Saudi Arabia competed with Iran, as Muslim countries went against each other in the Syrian civil war, as well as the division between Hamas and Fatah, have made us forget the Palestinian issue. Adding injury to insult was Hezbollah and Hamas' clashing views on the war in Syria, especially since the two have opened war on Israel.
For left youth in the ‘70s and later Islamic youth, the Palestinian cause was a foremost issue. But as time went by it took a backseat. The Mavi Marmara attack where Israeli forces killed civilian aid workers put Israel in a very difficult position. Yet, Israel was able to successfully ease its way out of the situation with effective lobbying.
If we look at the Muslim world, Trump has taken over Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries. During the civil war in Syria, Iran exaggerated its power and got into the habit of donning itself in emperor's clothing, Pakistan was under immense pressure from the U.S., and Egypt was submerged in political unrest. Indeed, the Islamic world does not consist of the Middle East alone; there are Muslims all over the world.
What is Turkey's role?
With the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government, Turkey has secured a very important place, especially in the Islamic world. Irrespective of which country's citizen you are in the Islamic world, the portrait of Turkey as a country that is ruled by a religious party with democracy exercised, with vast space given to religious freedom and liberty of conscience and simultaneously promising wealth is bedazzling.
However, invisible hands both inside and outside of Turkey have tried very hard to destroy the country's image, but they could neither bring down Turkey nor the AK Party. Compared to its 2013 image, it took a lot of wounds.
What can Turkey contribute to the Palestinian issue?
Today, the only country that is capable of bringing all of the Muslim World, the West and even Russia to the table is Turkey. The approach of European countries is obvious, so forming a common group to cooperate on such issues with them will also have a positive effect on Turkey-Europe relations.
The left wing in Europe is with Palestine and hence does not support Israel. The head of the European Security Council took a picture with the people on board the Mavi Marmara. He said his duty would end soon after he hung the picture in his room. Fatah, working closely with Hamas, is a very important opportunity in European public opinion.
If thoughtlessness continues in Islamic countries, Israel can easily and effortlessly occupy all Arab regions. The Iraqi and Syrian armies have been dismantled into "paste," meaning they are also in a position to be easily occupied by Israel.
Through the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and by keeping the Palestinian issue on the agenda, Israel needs to be pushed to come to terms with the two-state solution. Today, diplomacy has been handed an opportunity, so long as the exit strategy is developed with a long lasting frame drawn well and a well-managed process.
The world is ready for this. I believe that a move, an effort that bears a civil character can change a lot of things. Trump has brought the Palestinian cause to the world's agenda; this may be a blessing in disguise. As long as there is oppression in Palestine, there will be no justice in the world.