Prime minister and chairman of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), Ahmet Davutoğlu, and ultra-conservative Nationalist Movement Party Chairman Devlet Bahçeli have completed their final round of discussions in the current quest to find a solution to establish a viable coalition government.
It is clear that the MHP will not cooperate in any form with the AK Party to form a coalition government or help the AK Party to go to polls through a Parliamentary decision.
The MHP started off the night of the June 7 elections declaring that the results have shown there can be no viable coalition government after the polls and that early elections are the only solution for Turkey. Bahçeli then started pushing for a coalition between the AK Party and Republican People's Party (CHJP). When that failed Bahçeli made a massive U-turn and said early elections should not be an option and that the mounting problems of the country led by the resurgence of PKK terrorism and growing economic problems mostly due to worsening international conditions necessitated the establishment of a coalition government.
The AK Party and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan have put the reconciliation process with the PKK on hold. The PKK has been killing police officers and soldiers on a daily basis for the last three weeks, which has forced the AK Party to shelve the reconciliation process. This may have convinced the MHP to accept supporting the AK Party in a coalition, but that too was rejected.
Bahçeli seems to be drawing fire from his rank and file for rejecting a coalition with the AK Party. It also seems clear that some of the MHP voters will also be angered for this tough position. All this only means the MHP may lose some votes in the upcoming early elections.
The MHP wanted to question the position of Erdoğan. The MHP wanted the reconciliation scrapped. The MHP wanted the AK Party to prosecute its four former ministers who had allegedly been involved in corruption. The AK Party rejected all this, and thus a coalition became impossible.
Now that the MHP has rejected to join the AK Party in the formation of an early elections government means now that the pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party (HDP) will be able to be allotted some Cabinet seats in an early elections government declared by the president. That means the MHP will help the HDP, which it despises, enter the Cabinet, even if it is temporary. Will MHP supporters forgive Bahçeli for this gross mistake?
The failure in the formation of any coalition means automatic early elections as of Saturday according to our Constitution. Erdoğan has the authority to call the country to early polls when Parliament fails to forge a coalition government. This is now the only option left for him.
Now the whole issue is how Turkey will go to early elections. It is clear that Turkey will be going to polls by the end of November. It is not clear who will be the ministers in the election's Cabinet. The main issue in the next few days will be what kind of a Cabinet is needed.
The other debate will be what happens to the deputies who spent all that money to be elected. Will they be the new candidates or will they be replaced? The fact that the authorities have announced that parties will not receive state aid for snap elections will also push them into a financial bottleneck.
The final debate will of course be who failed to form a coalition and who failed to appease its potential coalition partners. Accusations will fly.
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Last Update: Aug 18, 2015 11:12 am
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