The Ottoman Empire was wrong to beat Western supremacy by adopting Western-style institutions and forcing people to accept reforms. In this respect, the Tanzimat Era was nothing but the flamboyant testimonial of Ottoman defeat that established the legal basis of semi-colonization and caused the Eastern question.
The masses labeled Eastern-Islamic and reactionary became restless with this dilemma and rejected all reforms. However, non-Muslims bore the brunt because of their religious affiliation. These repercussions laid the foundation of the Western religious movement that survives to present day. In other words, wellknown polarization.
The political approach of the Republican People's Party (CHP) is similar to the İttihat ve Terakki (The Committee of Union and Progress) that emerged during the period of the Ottoman Empire's dissolution. They both adopted bureaucratic state autocracy against the public's will.
This approach is based on bureaucratic tutelage seizing the rights of the Islamic population.
The strategy is covered under totalitarian secularism. In reality, however, totalitarian secularism is the red card raised by internal imperialists to religious people, sharing national resources with the rest of the world under the name of Westernization.
Totalitarian secularism may even be used to suppress the masses revolting for their fundamental rights and democracy through violence or military coups.
In the 1990's, Turkey went through a period during which the long-lasting historical trap would be broken and balanced when powers changed. Thanks to globalization, the end of the Cold War and the information revolution, religious capital started to accumulate and open to the world through the Anatolian Tigers. These developments prepared the necessary historical conditions for a religious bourgeoisie. The religious masses broke the chains with the National Vision with which they were locked up.
The AK Party emerged and advanced under these internal and external conditions in the 2000s. In order to preserve moral and economic power, the AK Party sought solutions for the Kurdish, Cyprus, Middle East and Armenian questions. This is because the totalitarian secular tutelage held power through these problems and the AK Party had no way but to solve them to achieve economic development and civilian politics.
Indeed, this was no coincidence. The underlying purpose of the Feb. 28 postmodern military coup was to eliminate the newly established religious capital expanding politically as the AK Party. Furthermore, the previous Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan had made inexcusable mistakes, including developing a pool system to use public revenues in an optimal way, strengthening industry and founding the Developing Eight (D-8) countries.
In other words, the 1980 Turkish military coup was an attempt to integrate Turkey, with a history of statism and a closed economy, into capitalism and prevent the emergence of a religious bourgeoisie. I believe that while the 1980 military intervention was the favorite coup of foreign elites and the 1997 military referendum was the favorite coup of local ones. They perfectly complemented each other by determining the minimum and maximum limitations of upcoming tutelage.
When the AK Party won the seat, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan took action to destroy the historical trap caused by the Ottoman Empire. Their health policies enabled spending public revenues not on domestic and foreign interests but for the Turkish public.
The strict monetary policies, budget discipline and financial resources of $650 billion (TL 1.39 trillion) accumulated in the last 12 years have not served the foreign and local elites but were spent on social policies, the development of the eastern region and infrastructure and road investments, harmonizing Turkey's production power.
In other words, while the imperialist powers lost a large amount of revenue, this money is being used for Turkey's independence. Indicating the exploitation of Turkey, the external debt was hit in a way that Turkey gave a loan to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the dependence on imports turned into an export regime.
Besides, Turkey took the most important step with the resolution process to get rid of all oppression. The public revenue previously spent for armament is now used for the resolution process and investments in the national arms industry. The developments gained momentum against the West. Turkey is calling 50 million Kurdish people in four different countries and is drawing the hatred of the Russian-German monopoly with the southern gas and petroleum corridor projects. The Russian-German monopoly has been underscored with the recent Ukrainian crisis.
Above all, it is not possible to review the Feb. 7 National Intelligence Service (MİT) and Dec. 17 and 25 operations only through daily political issues without analyzing the historical accounts. It would be naive to find strange the alliance between the CHP and the Gülen Movement and the large anti-Erdoğan group extending from the CHP, the Great Union Party (BBP), the Felicity Party, the fascists, the nationalists, the liberals including the bureaucratic elite intellectuals and the left.
Turkey has reached the final phase of a 100- year prolonged coup. In terms of logical base, it does not bear any difference with the 1913 Ottoman coup staged by the Committee of Union and Progress.
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