In the chaos of daily life, it is hard to find time to go shopping, even for basic needs. This tight schedule has led growth in the online shopping industry and today, most people even do their grocery shopping online.
Turkish people are no exception. According to data provided by an online shopping app, the volume of online shopping increased by 44 percent from January to October compared to the same period last year.
The data also revealed that people between the ages of 26 and 35 are the most frequent online shoppers. While most people preferred to spend their money on T-shirts, women shopped for pants.
Istanbul was the city where shoppers over 55 placed the most online orders. Though people living in Ağrı shopped online the most last year, Bitlis locals took the throne this year.
It seems like both women and men are fond of online shopping. While women between the ages of 25 and 36 preferred to place their online orders at night, women between the ages of 46 and 55 chose to do online shopping before noon.