The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) amphibious soldiers, dubbed “the crocodiles,” constitute a vital force in operations both at home and abroad because they can operate in water and on land.
Personnel assigned to the 1st Amphibious Marine Infantry Brigade stationed in western Izmir province’s Foça district within the Naval Forces Command are given comprehensive and challenging training to perform tasks such as implementing force protection measures, boarding ships, searching, combating piracy, force protection during passages through narrow and shallow waters, and evacuating non-combatants.
Those who pass the difficult tests such as sergeant shooting, sports, physical ability and fitness successfully among officers, noncommissioned officers and specialists are admitted to the amphibious assault team course. Personnel concluding the eight-week course get the right to participate in operational activities and duties within the special forces.
The personnel, who start the day with sports and are trained in physical endurance in the strength and conditioning development track according to their areas of expertise, are also carefully trained to be the best in shooting.
Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), a colonel said that the Amphibious Infantry Brigade Command was awarded the "Medal of Outstanding Courage and Self-Sacrifice" for its outstanding achievements in the Cyprus Peace Operation and said that in line with the directives given by Defense Minister Yaşar Güler, the Amphibious Marine Infantry Units were restructured as the Amphibious Corps Command.
The colonel further said that besides the Cyprus Peace Operation, the amphibious soldiers took part in internal security operations in Şırnak province, humanitarian operations in Albania, the evacuation of non-combatants from Libya and Lebanon, as part of a peace force in Kosovo, and part of international aid and security forces in Afghanistan between 1993-2001.
They are currently carrying out their duties in the fight against terrorism in Hakkari, in the Euphrates Shield and Peace Spring Operations region in Syria, in Libya as part of the Turkish Naval Task Force, Operation Hızır, Operation Mediterranean Shield and the Turkish Naval Task Force in Somalia.
The colonel added that the crocodiles, after training, are in a short time ready to take part in operations and adapt to regional conditions as well as other countries’ personnel.
“Our command continues to represent our country today, as it did in the past, by participating in many joint and combined exercises both at home and abroad, with the power and experience it has gained from the past, in the footsteps of the Great Leader Atatürk. It fulfills every task assigned to it flawlessly, with the motto of 'amphibious are always ready.'"