Over the past year and a half, 5,000 entrepreneurs have opened there own business, thereby contributing to the nation's economy. Twenty-five thousand additional jobs were created. Half of the applicants who received grants and set up their own business were women. Explaining that over the past two years, they have provided entrepreneurial training to 93,000 people, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Nihat Ergün says, "We aim to provide grants to 5,000 entrepreneurs a year."
Ergün also explained that they have recently spoken with Volkswagen on the potential of investing in Turkey. "It is a company that sells well in the domestic market, however they have no production in Turkey. We have invited them to invest."
In regards to producing a domestic automobile, Ergün stated, "Someone needs to step forward. The Koç group could do it. In addition, Oyak needs to propose to Renault that they start a new brand together," said Ergün.
This is a translation of an article originally written by Mehmet Nayir.