The first national air vehicle originally developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), is set to enter the Turkish Air Force inventory in the coming days as the planned delivery will take place in November.
The Hürkuş was displayed at the three-day technology festival TEKNOFEST Istanbul Aerospace and Technology Festival, which was organized at the Istanbul New Airport by the Turkey Technology Team (T3) Foundation and the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB). Exhibited in the fairground with its red-white colors, the Hürkuş also drew attention in the air show.
A significant step has been taken in the Hürkuş project, initiated under the leadership of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSB) to meet the needs of the Air Forces Command and to develop a training aircraft that could enter the world market.
The first test flight of the B configuration, which will serve as the basic training aircraft for the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), was held in January.
Once the first aircraft is delivered in November, it will be tested by Air Force pilots and subjected to various assessments. In this period, which is expected to last three months, improvements related to the aircraft will be finalized in cooperation with the Air Force and TAI. Aircraft deliveries will be carried out systematically, and 15 aircrafts will be delivered to the Air Force in the first half of 2019.
The introduction of the aircraft into the Air Force inventory means turning a new page in the Turkish aviation industry.
Many aerial vehicles modernized by TAI to date have been used by the Air Force. Hürkuş, on the other hand, will be the first national aircraft designed and produced by the company and included in the inventory.
Following development of the Hürkuş-A for civilian use, Hürkuş-B's features and dynamics were renewed. Hürkuş-B is 100 kilograms lighter than Hürkuş-A, standing out as a faster, more modern and powerful aircraft. This variant was designed as a more stable and more comprehensive vehicle.
Praised as the best in its class, Hürkuş-B is equipped with systems similar to those in fighter jets in terms of its digital cockpit, pressurized cabin, ejection seat, oxygen support and landing gear.
Having successfully completed a thousand flight hours in total and reached 150 sorties in scope of development activities, Hürkuş also performed a demonstration flight during the event.