The Çukurova State Symphony Orchestra (ÇDSO) will open their new season on Oct. 2 at 8:30 p.m. with Carl Orff's immortal cantata "Carmina Burana." The performance will take place at Merkez Park Theater and is being supported with the contributions of the Adana Metropolitan Municipality. Maestro Antonio Pirolli and Choir Maestro Cemi Can Deliorman will conduct the concert accompanied by the Ankara State Polyphonic Choir, the ÇDSO Polyphonic Children's Choir and Mersin State Opera and Ballet Polyphonic Children's Choir. Nazlı Deniz Boran (soprano), Caner Akın (tenor) and Kevork Tavityan (bass) of the Istanbul State Opera and Ballet will also perform at the concert as soloists.
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