Having premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, "Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures" - the first documentary dedicated to the provocative life and works of legendary American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe - will be screened in Istanbul following the Berlin International Film Festival. Produced by Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbaro for the United States-based TV network HBO, "Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures" is an extensive investigation of Mapplethorpe - who was also featured in Patti Smith's National Book Award-winning book "Just Kids" about his legendary love story with Smith. From Debbie Harry, Blondie and Fran Leibowitz to Brooke Shields and of course Patti Smith, many famous artists discuss Mapplethorpe and the inspiration that he instilled in them. The film also unearthed never-before-seen video footage of the legendary photographer.
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