Despite the fact that the internet has become a convenient tool for gathering information and entertainment, people, especially youngsters, still watch TV.
In Turkey, 55 percent of the entire population watches TV every day. According to the latest data released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), Turkish people prefer to watch entertaining content. Surprisingly, 93.9 percent of young people between 15 and 24 spend at least one hour watching TV every day. In other words, nine out of every 10 young people in Turkey prefers to watch TV in their spare time.
Although online content providers such as Netflix and Amazon have quickly gained popularity, it turns out that an average person spent nearly three hours a day in front of their TVs last year, according to the survey conducted by Eurodata TV Worldwide.
Americans and Canadians are the biggest TV addicts, the report said, watching four hours and three minutes on average daily.
European viewers came next watching three hours 49 minutes a day in 2017, just ahead of Russia and Brazil, the data gathered from 95 countries showed.
Asians watch less TV than any of the other major markets, spending two hours 25 five minutes in front of the box. In China that drops to two hours 12 minutes.
On the other hand, the U.S. and the U.K. remain the world's two biggest exporters of TV programs and formats, ahead of France, Germany and Turkey, whose family-orientated soaps have been big hits across the Middle East, South America and the Balkans.