Dr. Yahya Öztel, the owner of Turmed, a firm operating in medical tourism in Russia and Ukraine states that Turkey will soon become a very popular destination for medical tourism. Öztel explains that ever since attending last year's Anfaş Hetex medical tourism fair in Antalya, they have already begun bringing patients to Turkey. "Unfortunately the health system in Ukraine is not highly subsidized therefore Ukrainian doctors do not always have the necessary modern technology or equipment to diagnose or treat patients. Therefore, I believe that the foundation we established during the meetings held at the Anfaş Hetex Fair will provide strong commercial ties in order to increase medical tourism in Turkey for Russia and Ukraine."
Last year's Anfaş Hetex, Turkey's first and sole medical tourism fair, has already begun to reap fruit. Mustafa Çalık the Executive Board Chairman of Anfaş Fairs explains that they have held the Anfaş Hetex Fair for three years now in order to support the health and medical tourism industry which has begun to grow in Turkey. Explaining that every year approximately 1,000 people come to Turkey for medical tourism, Çalık states: "Medical tourism and medical-based trips fall into three categories; thermal and spa-wellness tourism, older age and handicapped tourism and medical tourism. With the Anfaş Hetex Fair we bring together all establishments and facilities with operations in each subcategory with international professional visitors. With an approximate five percent share of the 100 billion dollar global medical tourism market, Turkey receives 1.5 to two billion dollars. It is thought that with Turkey's geographical advantages, human resources and medical experience, this figure could increase."